The Trilogy is a thriller that challenges current assumptions of why man is on Earth. The story is based on a timeframe only a few years from now. It's a global story with captivating characters that readers will feel a strong emotional attachment to. It's set against a background of developments in current and believable near future technologies.
The publication is structured as a trilogy, with each part a stand-alone but linked story. All three parts are written together for accuracy and story timeline purposes, although Part 1 will be completed first.
The storyline is deliberately structured to be readily adaptable for screenwriters. It is ideal for the production of a series of three feature films. Having said that, as a thriller with frequent suspense break points, it would make a compelling TV mini-series. A Part 4 is planned to be the basis of a series suitable for TV adaption.
The settings are in both city and countryside locations in the USA, Australia and Scandinavia. However, if film rights are assigned before the book is published there could be some flexibility in locations to meet the needs of film production/finance.
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