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See The Blog for regular updates on GP's writing experiences 



12 February 2025 - You are invited to meet Lucy at Warble’s Bar!


The second novel by Galahad Porter, about newly pregnant Lucy, is finished! It has taken a lot longer than expected - see my previous blogs for the catalogue of excuses! The provisional title is At Warble’s Bar.


Newly pregnant Lucy is searching for the father of her unborn child. In the hope of meeting him, or someone who knows him, she takes a job in Brooklyn at Warble’s Bar. She finds herself in a web of manipulation. Should she keep looking for him or move on? You can read more about the novel at


The novel will now be distributed to potential agents. It is hoped publication will be in time for the spring book market in early 2026.


Website upgrade


The GP website, has had a makeover and new contemporary design! This was needed to raise the profile of work other than novels by GP, such as short stories, poetry, songs, music & playwriting. There is still work to be done, but the new look is a step in the right direction.




It is hoped that, after a break whilst finishing the Lucy novel, a newsletter will be issued soon. It is planned to cover not just news about At Warble’s Bar but also the newer areas of writing by GP.



7 September 2023 - Office Relocation & Yet Another Revised Publication Timetable!


At last the Galahad office relocation and renovation work is nearly finished! It's now possible to give revised timings for publication. A lot has, and has not, been happening which will be addressed in The Blog and on social media shortly!


The Lucy novel draft continues to need rewriting. That will be the priority over the next few months. It is planned to send a draft out to agents later this year. Publication is targeted for late 2024.


The Trilogy Parts 1-3 drafts should start to become available from late 2024. Publication is planned from 2026. If there is demand for them, the Prequel could be available in 2027 and the Part 4 Series in 2028. 



15 September 2019 - Happy Birthday Sally!


Today marks the 2nd anniversary of the publication of the Galahad Porter critically acclaimed debut novel At Reception! Whether you like Sally or not, at least she has come alive with the book. Written in an extreme version of first-person writing, everything that happens in the hotel lobby is from her viewpoint. She will re-appear in the first novel of the trilogy, but mainly from the perspective of other people. You may want to re-read At Reception after you get the insights from that!


Meanwhile, the novel about pregnant bar worker Lucy is nearing completion. Very much a prelude to the trilogy, you get to meet some of the characters before the events in Sally's hotel lobby. At Reception was written 'to get a reputation, any reputation' for Galahad Porter's writing. Many readers found the first person approach, where you get to understand everything Sally is thinking, challenging. The novel about Lucy is more traditional in nature, and the added depth that gives to the characters has been a pleasure to work with.


So, today have a slice of cake, glass of fizz and sing Happy Birthday Sally! She, of course, will be celebrating at home alone with her soft toy pets, her birthday forgotten by both her co-workers and employers...


For more information on At Reception see



20th November 2018 -  Meet Lucy at the bar!


The cover graphic for the forthcoming Galahad Porter novel, featuring Lucy the pregnant bar worker, has just been released!


It is based on the cover of the Galahad Porter debut novel, At Reception, showing Sally at reception. Lucy at the bar was created by artist Dave Hill, who also produced the artwork for At Reception. Both Lucy and Sally are strong willed single people working in largely unappreciated roles. They are both struggling with the dilemmas life throws at you. In addition, as both feature in the forthcoming thriller trilogy GP is writing, the graphic link between the two seemed appropriate.


The opening scene of the trilogy is currently set in a bar in the USA. Young and pregnant, Lucy the bar worker is desperately seeking the father of her unborn child. She has lots of options for her future. She really would like to at least discuss with him what happens next.


It seemed unfair to gloss over her decision making process, and get on with the next chapter in the trilogy. I was unable to resist exploring the life of another trilogy character in more detail, the quirky hotel receptionist Sally. What started as a short story eventually emerged as the debut novel At Reception. That has delayed publication of the trilogy. Once again, another character has emerged with a story to tell that should be heard. The bar has several customers who appear in the trilogy, and these early scenes set out the background for the first book in the series. Writing Lucy's story creates the opportunity to explain in more detail why certain characters behave the way they do. Telling Lucy's story enables readers to step into the world of the trilogy just days before it starts. Hopefully that will not just entertain, but arouse interest in the series!


The as yet untitled novel featuring Lucy is planned for publication in 2020. (updated 12th June 2019)


Have any questions about the Lucy novel? Click here for more on the novel and contact link.


Note: All the characters created by Galahad Porter are fictional and not based on any living, dead or fictional person or character. Any similarities to such are purely coincidental. Image © Dave Hill 2018 (



14 November 2018 Media & Social Media Update! News on Lucy...


The publisher of the Galahad Porter debut novel At Reception, Troubadour, recently emailed me with a new review of the novel. It reminded me that, although it's over a year since At Reception was published, people are still reading and reviewing the book. The review can be seen here on the USA Amazon website. I never comment on specific reviews, everyone is allowed their own opinion. However, where a trend develops I will try address the issue. As I said in a recent interview, At Reception is very different from your usual romance novel, or most novels for that matter. Some readers find its approach and the character Sally a bit of a challenge. It's great there are people who appreciate what I was trying to create. GP articles and interviews can be found on the website at


GP is now on Instagram! Click here for a link. Do follow, although most of the photos and captions you will see will be also available on the blog at


GP is on Skype! Search Galahad Porter and request to be added if you would like to chat. In the longer term, the intention is to hold live interviews and discussions about the writing process.


The Galahad Porter YouTube channel is in formation. The plan is to upload discussions and readings related to GP's writing. More will follow on this when the initial content becomes available.


Writing on the next GP novel, based on pregnant bar worker Lucy, is making good progress. The cover artwork is in production, and a range of promotional materials will shortly be created based upon it. A full update will be given when the cover graphic is made public.



15 September 2018 Happy Birthday Sally! It's 1 Year Since At Reception Was Published!


Today marks one year since the Galahad Porter debut novel At Reception was published!  What's more, it was around this time in 2015 that I had the idea to start writing. It has been an amazing journey, one that has taken a lot longer than expected! You can follow this with my blog at but as it is written with the latest post first you need to start at the end!


The novel is showcased by The People's Book Prize, summer 2018 collection. If you have not voted for it yet please do so before the competition closes on October 15. Encourage your friends to read it - if you follow the link below the price has been cut if you buy before October 6: The paperback to £3.99 if you use the code TPBP, the ebook to 99p. To buy or vote follow the link:



9 August 2018 Special reduced price on At Reception available for The People's Book Prize!



The Galahad Porter debut novel At Reception has been selected to be showcased by The People's Book Prize for the summer 2018 collection. One of the objectives of TPBP is to increase reading in the wider population. With this in mind, the price of At Reception is to be reduced for a limited time. Enter the code 'TPBP' on the Troubador website page (link below) to receive a reduced price from £7.99 to £3.99. The ebook price has been cut  to 99p. This is a great opportunity to share the novel with your friends, and add to their summer reading!


Unlike many awards, the winning books are selected by the public not a panel of judges. You can vote at any time until October 15, 2018. You will find the At Reception page with links for you to order the paperback and ebook at



2 June 2018 At Reception selected to be showcased by The People's Book Prize!



The Galahad Porter debut novel At Reception has been selected to be showcased by The People's Book Prize for the summer 2018 collection. Unlike many awards, the winning books are selected by the public not a panel of judges. For more information on the prizes, and to see the list of books showcased, visit You can vote at any time until October 15, 2018. The link to the At Reception page is



31 March 2018 London Book Fair


Galahad Porter will be attending the London Book Fair on April 10. The debut novel At Reception will be available to view on the Troubador stand. If you would like to meet him at the event please use the LBF profile message service or for contact details click here.





2 September 2017 At Reception, the Galahad Porter debut novel, is now available!


At Reception is now available worldwide as a paperback through bookstores and online retailers. The ebook is also available in several leading formats. Click here for details.



11 May 2017 At Reception, the Galahad Porter debut novel, is available to pre-order!


Although release is not planned until September 2017 you can pre-order the book direct from the publishers. Click here for details.


4 May 2017 At Reception press release issued!  


The press release for the Galahad Porter debut novel At Reception has been issued. Click below for the JPEG or PDF version.




At Reception press release 4/5/2017
Press Release v 4 - Final.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [463.8 KB]



22 April 2017 At Reception cover revealed!  


The book cover for At Reception, incorporating original artwork by artist Dave Hill (, is revealed today!


Matador, part of Troubador Publishing Ltd, will publish and market the book with release planned for September 2017.


Should you wish to receive an email alert when the book will be released and where it can be bought click here.


Cover for At Reception the debut novel by Galahad Porter



25 January 2017 At Reception to be published by Matador


I am pleased to announce that I have agreed with Matador, part of Troubador Publishing Ltd to publish and market the novel At Reception. Release is expected this summer. More details will be available in the near future.



27 August 2016 Galahad Porter August 2016 Newsletter Published


For those not on Facebook or Twitter I have created a newsletter as a download .pdf file to bring you some edited highlights of the website section 'The Blog'. I hope to publish this every 3 months or so, fitting in with publication milestones. The web page is:



27 May 2016 Update on progress 


I am pleased to announce that I have now got through the 50,000 word barrier for the novel provisionally titled At Reception! There are still some sections that need rewriting and, with the deepening of the storylines, the target of 60,000 words should be met. After that it will only require checking and tweaking. During June a final version should be complete, and sent to a few selected agents to assess. It will also go for copy editing in preparation for self-publishing should that be needed. Release is still planned for early 2017. I'll permanently leave Australia to return to the UK in July for meetings, and get on with the thriller trilogy until the marketing of At Reception starts. An update will be given at the end of June in the next edition of the Newsletter.



9 April 2016 Galahad Porter April 2016 Newsletter Published


For those not on Facebook or Twitter I have created a newsletter as a download .pdf file to bring you some edited highlights of the website section 'The Blog'. I hope to publish this every 3 months or so, fitting in with publication milestones. The web page is:



10 March 2016 Event Alert - London Book Fair


Galahad Porter will be attending the London Book Fair on April 13. If you wish to meet him please email .



5 March 2016 Galahad Porter short novel provisionally titled At Reception


I have provisionally titled the novel At Reception, as it deals with events in the lobby of a hotel.


As the storyline evolved it became a deeper psychological novel than originally planned. This has required extensive rethinking of the scenes, especially as it is written in first person. I now expect to finish the current draft in late March. The draft will be sent to an editor to correct errors in grammar etc. I then have to tweak it prior to submission to agents and publishers, and in parallel prepare for self-publishing as a book and ebook. The novel is unlikely to be accepted by a mainstream publisher as it is shorter than their usual requirements. However, I feel I must give the book a chance to sell itself, based on the size of its target market. See for more details.



7 February 2016 Galahad Porter to publish short novel


At the beginning of January Galahad Porter mentioned in his blog that he was considering reworking some deleted scenes from the trilogy he is writing, and publishing them as a short story. Today he is pleased to announce that he has almost reached the target of 25,000 words, and by the end of February it should be suitable for copy editing. It is planned to release an approximately 75 page paperback novel, and make it available in some e-reader formats.


He has chosen the first person style of writing, where everything is from the perspective of the main character who is a woman. It is less popular that the more common third person writing, but produces great dramatic effect. You are there, living inside her head, with all her thoughts and emotions. More on this subject is available in today's blog.


The trilogy continues to progress, a little slower than planned. He continues to add great new ideas to the storylines for all three parts!  The first draft of Part 1 is still on schedule to be completed by the end of Q3 this year.



30 January 2016 Galahad Porter Newsletter Published


For those not on Facebook or Twitter I have created a newsletter as a download .pdf file to bring you some edited highlights of the website section 'The Blog'. I hope to publish this every 3 months or so, fitting in with publication milestones. The web page is:



31 December 2015 Galahad Porter now on Linkedin


If you are an active user of Linkedin you can now connect with Galahad Porter on it.                  



14 November 2015 How Quickly Do I Write?


How quickly do I write? I tend to write 1000 words in a typical day, with 2500 words maximum. Writing a book is not just about typing, there is research to do, corrections to make, characters need developing, timelines and sub-plots....  oh and dealing with the website, Facebook, Twitter etc! And that's before we even get to marketing, agents, publishers, conferences etc! I average about 5000 words a week. So 125,000 words for a book = 25 weeks minimum. However, I am writing a trilogy, so some of my writing is for Parts 2 and 3. Click on The Book above and you'll see I suggest that the draft of Part 1 should be ready by Q3 2016, and the other two in mid-2017..... so be patient!



7 November 2015 Website, Facebook & Twitter started


Hurrah! The website, Facebook page "Galahad Porter" and Twitter @galahadporter are available but currently under construction.... be patient, let's hope they don't take as long as the book....




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© Andrew David Porter 2015-2025. All the places and characters created by Galahad Porter are fictional. Locations are not based on real places, characters are not based on any living, dead or fictional person or character. Any similarities to such are purely coincidental.