The story is a thriller, challenging current assumptions of why man is on Earth. The story is based on a timeframe only a few years from now. It's a global story, with captivating characters that readers will feel a strong emotional attachment to. It's set against a background of developments in current and believable near future technologies.
The publication is structured as a trilogy - each part a complete story but linked by the characters and overall story timeline. All three parts are written together for accuracy and story timeline purposes. Part 1 will be completed first. The first draft of Part 1 is planned for late 2024 with Parts 2 and 3 closely hehind in mid 2025. It is hoped publication will follow in 2026/7. A prequel and a Part 4 (to provide the basis for a series) are also planned.
The forthcoming novel about newly pregnant bar worker Lucy due to be published in 2024 is a prelude to the series.
It is hoped that the trilogy will provide the basis for a film or TV series. To find out more about this opportunity click here.
Galahad Porter has released a novel based on deleted scenes from Part 1 of the trilogy titled At Reception, incorporating characters from the trilogy. For more information click here. To find out more about the characters click here.
If you are interested in collaborating, you are invited to go to the Contact page and send details of your services and get emailed news updates. Facebook "GalahadPorter" and Twitter @galahadporter pages present the latest news on progress.
Note: All the characters created by Galahad Porter are fictional and not based on any living, dead or fictional person or character. Any similarities to such are purely coincidental.