The Akkad Family


Fictional Characters created by writer Galahad Porter



Gerald Akkad is the single father of Peter, Mark and Daniel. He is the head of this close knit family. He also has an estranged son Samuel. The trilogy is centered on the issues surrounding his main medical project. Separate web pages for the characters will follow publication of the trilogy.


Appears in: Lucy novel, trilogy



Peter Akkad is the eldest son of Gerald.


Appears in: Lucy novel, trilogy



Mark Akkad is the second oldest son of Gerald.


Appears in: Lucy novel, trilogy                              



Daniel Akkad is the second youngest son of Gerald. He makes a brief appearance in At Reception where he is organising the cruise ship guests. More details can be found in  At Reception .


Appears in: At Reception (brief), trilogy



Samuel Akkad is the estranged youngest son of Gerald.


Appears in: trilogy







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© Andrew David Porter 2015-2025. All the places and characters created by Galahad Porter are fictional. Locations are not based on real places, characters are not based on any living, dead or fictional person or character. Any similarities to such are purely coincidental.